No one wants to see their pet get sick, which is why it’s so important to ensure that they get all their proper vaccinations. We’re committed to helping your pets stay healthy, which is why we’re here to promote National Immunization Awareness Month. This time of year is perfect for paying extra attention to our pets’ health needs–stick with us as we explore the importance of regular pet immunizations for your furry friend.
How do vaccines work?
Let’s break down how vaccines work in your pet’s body. Similar to human vaccines, a pet vaccine contains a biological agent meant to stimulate your pet’s immune system. The biological agent contains a harmless version of the disease that particular vaccine is meant to protect against. The purpose of this agent is to teach your pet’s immune system how to fight off the disease if they ever face the real thing. Think of it as a test run.
Choosing The Right Vaccines
Some vaccines are actually required by law for cats and dogs, making it essential to know which are right for your pet. While laws can vary by state, it’s generally required for dogs and cats to be vaccinated against rabies. Dogs may also need to be vaccinated against canine distemper and canine hepatitis, while cats need to be vaccinated against diseases like feline distemper and feline calicivirus. Your veterinarian may also suggest additional immunizations depending on your pet’s risk based on their lifestyle. For example, if your pet goes to a professional groomer or doggy daycare, they may need specific immunizations to be safe around other pets.
Contact Your Veterinarian Today!
It’s never too late to get your pet the vaccinations they need. If you’re not sure whether or not your pet is up to date on their vaccinations, don’t wait–contact your veterinarian today to schedule an appointment. Your veterinarian will evaluate your pet’s health needs and recommend the right vaccines to keep them healthy and happy.